Core Founding Principles

In 2016 we saw technology failing to meet our needs as L&D and Talent professionals. Our mission from then has been to deliver solutions that solve the problems we faced.

Designed around core concepts of alignment and a balance of centralised and decentralised ownership, Learn Amp was built to meet the needs of organisations AND their people in equal measure.

A note from the Founder


Duncan Cheatle

Founder and CEO

When we created Learn Amp, we set out with an ambitious goal that still drives us on today - to make work-life, work better.

So what inspired this?

In my previous role as founder of the UK’s leading network for successful, scale-up CEOs - the most significant lesson I learned was that sustained company growth is only possible if we absolutely master the ability to attract, engage, develop and retain the very best talent.

No other activity has the same overall impact.

With ever shortening employee tenures across all industries, any business only succeeds if they can hang on to talent longer than their competitors. The costs of staff turnover are just too high.

We all need tools that makes this complex task easier; solutions that make delivering the very best employee journey (and in turn experience) quick to set up and easy to manage.

I brought together a group of high talented individuals, often with a background in the L&D or Education to build a platform to solve this problem.

Learn Amp is the product of our shared wisdom and learnings from all the amazing businesses we've worked in or worked with. Distilled into software that seamlessly interweaves the things that most matter: learning, community and talent development.

I believe we’ve built the best solution globally for helping to deliver an enhanced journey that amplifies an employee's experience of the workplace. One that will help you attract, engage, develop and retain great talent, and with that drive improved business performance and sustainable growth.

I hope you’ll reach out to us and judge for yourself. We’d love to support your organisation’s journey!

Core founding principles

We believe that...
Business performance can be improved by...

Managing against OKRs and KPIs, but fundamentally, success is driven by three things:

  1. The ability to attract the very best talent
  2. The ability to hold on to them for as long as possible
  3. The ability to optimise their capability whilst they are with us

It’s a simple idea to grasp, but hard to deliver in practice.

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People are attracted to work where they find purpose in what they do...

Where they buy into the vision and they share the same values. If a company can communicate and deliver on these clearly and consistently, it will attract and retain the very best talent. certification below.

Work and life should be engaging and full of opportunities for self-development...

Great people deliver better results if they continue to learn and develop. Making this easy has to be at the heart of any successful business.

Learning should be intuitive and engaging right out of the box...

Workplace learning applications should be as well designed and as familiar to people as the applications they use in their home life. Applications should not need an instruction manual!

Learning should be specific to the current need...

And not diluted by irrelevant activities. Learning should be designed for the learner not the trainer. People respond and retain better when learning has direct context to a current need.

Learning should take place at the time of need...

Not when it’s been scheduled. To be effective, learning must be driven by the learner. Insight or improvement delivered at the wrong time is time and money wasted.

Learning should be delivered through appropriate medium...

Some learning is best delivered in short bursts online, when time permits, maybe through a smartphone on a bus. Other learning is better delivered face to face, in teams. The medium should match the moment.

Everyone is able and should be encouraged to contribute to the learning ecosystem...

Managers should inspire and facilitate rather than dictate. If we’ve attracted the best talent we should enable and expect all of them to contribute insight and content they discover.

Learning should be learner-led and life-long...

We live in an ever evolving world where many of the jobs of tomorrow and the companies of the future are yet to arrive. We should instil a love for learning in all of our people that continues when they move on.

High performance flows from happy, engaged and ever developing employees...

Learning, engagement and performance are intrinsically linked and any platform should reflect that.

Proud to be recognised as a product and employer of choice

Want to find out what Learn Amp can do for your business?

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