Your platform in multiple languages

Deliver Learn Amp in your learners language. Auto-translated UI and the ability to deliver your content in multiple languages.

Market leading

Highly rated and awarded, across the board

Group 1569

Our Solutions

15+ Languages

The Learn Amp UI and tooling to translate are available in over 15 languages. These include: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norweigan, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish

Group 1798
Group 1830 (1)

UI Translations

The Learn Amp experience can be completely navigated in the users chosen language. Set a company default language and allow learners to select their preferred. Learners can switch at any time.


Provide content in multiple languages

Add content in multiple languages and deliver the 'correct' version to the 'correct' users so that the experience feels seamless. Map whole pathways and have the entire journey translated.

Fallbacks mean that if you don't have content available in that language they will fall back to the next best fit e.g. your default language item.

Group 1813
Group 1856

Localised timezones

Get reporting in the right timezone for your organisation. Date formats are delivered in the format you're familiar with and times are updated to reflect your local time.

Highly rated, everywhere

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