Webinar: How to align people, purpose and performance

Are your L&D efforts aligning with your skills development goals?

Watch as our experts cover how to align people, purpose and performance across your organisation.

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Discover the tools and strategies to maximise engagement from your learning and development efforts, how to implement a skills development framework and how best to utilise technology to achieve stronger results for you and your organisation.

What you’ll hear:

  • Strategies for aligning HR and L&D skills visions.
  • How to become a skills powered organisation.
  • How to implements skills development frameworks that meet your people goals.
  • Best practices to empower your team, ensuring continuous development and growth.
  • Explore the role of technology in achieving true holistic performance.

Panel: Teresa Rose, award-winning learning and performance consultant and founder of ConsultHer, Joe Hill-Wilson, Chief Commercial Officer at Learn Amp, and Gavin Woods, Managing Director at Aurion Learning

Watch on demand

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