Learn Amp and Intellezy

Facilitate change with eLearning. Enhance knowledge, expertise and capability with eLearning.

10,000+ videos of award winning software videos

Learn new software and keep up to date with the latest information and techniques for success. Asessments are built in to test knowledge levels pre and / or post course.
Intellezy-software videos
Ryley - Multi-language courses

Translated in 20 languages

Courses are accessible to all with translations in 20 languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Arabic and many more.

Custom eLearning solutions

Work with the team at Intellezy to create custom eLearning for your team centred on your vision and goals. Tailored video content can target your team’s unique training needs, with a people-centric strategy to enhance user adoption.

Want to learn more about connecting Learn Amp to Intellezy?

Highly rated, everywhere

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